March 18, 2013

Hello, Monday {Wild Mountain(s)}

Hola, Monday.  Although the afternoon is flying by and it's almost time to pick up the kids from school.

This weekend, I attended the Wild Mountain Memoir Retreat, held in a gorgeous setting at the Sleeping Lady Resort in Leavenworth, Washington. Leavenworth is tiny little town in the mountains east of Seattle.

It was a big, big trip -- not that Seattle is so terribly far away, but in many ways it was quite a journey.
 On Friday morning, I took this shot looking east over snowy California mountains. I have no idea what mountains these are...they don't look high enough to be the Sierras, but I could be wrong.  Maybe another range closer to the coast?

Little did I know that I'd be experiencing lots and lots of snow this weekend, both on the bus ride to and from the resort, and also on Saturday night, when it began snowing.

This was what it looked like on Sunday morning:

It's kinda funny that after a winter of sharing La Jolla and Palm Springs and sunny skies here on the blog, I bring you snow just days before the official start of spring.

My plane landed in San Diego after 11 last night, and after luggage and shuttle and driving I pulled into my driveway around 1am.  I'm in no state to discuss or share what I gained and experienced and felt during this intense weekend.
It's all still percolating through my system. Hello this Monday to so many thoughts to think and books to read and web sites to check out. Hello to so many new voices and friends and contacts.
Hello to so much inspiration, and so many ideas (and decisions, too).

And so much snow.  Holy shit, I texted my husband, on the bus ride home.  It feels like the Rockies, I wrote. (Not that I've ever been to the Rockies.) Or maybe Narnia. The Cascade Mountains were something else: It wasn't just the amount of snow on the ground, it was the constant landscape of towering, snow-capped mountains on the horizon. Mountains upon mountains out the bus window for over an hour. 

I'll have more thoughts and photos to share about this weekend in a few days, after my head stops spinning.

Linking up with Lisa Leonard for Hello, Mondays.

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